Descriptive text

 • What is descriptive text?

Descriptive text is a type of text that aims to describe or explain an object, place or event in detail. The goal is to make the reader or listener have a clear picture about this.

• Structure descriptive text

Identification is to introduce the person, place and the object 

-Description gives the detail of the person, place, and the object described

• Language components are used Descriptive text:

1. Specific participant

2. Adjectives

3. Simple present tense

4. Action verb

• Rumus Menata Kalimat Adjective/ Adjective Word Order

Rumus untuk menggunakan adjective, disebut dengan OSASCOMP.

O = Opinion (Atitude/Observation)

S = Size (Size/Height)

A = Age (How old is it?)

S = Shape (Shape/Weight/Length)

C = Color (Color/Approximate color)

O = Origin (Where is it from?)

M = Material (What is it made of?)

P = Purpose (What is it used for?)

• Deskriptive Text juga menggunakan panca indra atau 5 sense dalam mendeskripsikan suatu hal, antara lain :

1. Sight (melihat)

2. Smell (menghirup/mencium)

3. Hearing (mendengar)

4. Taste (merasakan)

5. Touch (menyentuh)

• Struktur Kalimat/ Sentense Structure

Sentense structure : S-V-O + M-P-T(Adverb)

S = Subject

V = Verb

O = Object

• Adverb = 5W+1H (What, Who, Why, Where, When, How)

• Transitive dan Intransitive

-Transitive is a verb that must be followed by a noun or object.

-Intransitive is a verb that does not require an object or noun. 

• Struktur Kalimat/ Sentense Structure

Sentense structure : S-V-O + M-P-T(Adverb)

S = Subject

V = Verb

O = Object


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